September, Friday 20, 2024

Teenagers express concerns about safety and anxiety, but remain hopeful about the future, according to survey results.

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A survey conducted by polling company Survation for BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Bitesize has revealed that teenage girls often experience sexual harassment and do not feel safe when walking alone on the street. Out of the 2,000 young people aged 13-18 surveyed, 27% of girls reported experiencing sexual harassment, and 44% expressed feeling unsafe while walking alone. The survey also addressed other topics such as body image, anxiety, vaping, and influencers, highlighting concerns about online safety. The results indicated that teenagers are troubled by the amount of pornography they come across on social media, with nearly a third having watched videos from controversial influencer Andrew Tate. Many teens reported feeling anxious on a regular basis. Several teenage girls shared their experiences of feeling unsafe and highlighted the precautions they take to protect themselves. Some boys also expressed concerns about their safety on the street. The survey also shed light on the influence of online influencers, with over half of the respondents, particularly girls, admitting to following them. The pressure to change their appearance and the negative impact of social media were discussed by these teens. The survey also addressed anxiety among teenagers, with exams, school, and peer pressure being the top stressors. Over a fifth of girls reported receiving unwanted explicit images or videos from peers. The survey also revealed that many teens vape, with approximately a third of respondents admitting to having tried it, and 25% of them suspecting addiction. There were calls for stricter regulations on vape flavors and packaging to deter young people from using them. The impact of social media, the online safety of children, and the urgent need to protect them from harmful content were emphasized by the Children's Commissioner for England and government officials. Despite these challenges, the survey indicated that most teenagers remain positive about the future.