September, Friday 20, 2024

Israeli Forces Confrontation Claims Lives of Six Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza


Israeli forces have killed six Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Four Palestinians were killed during a military raid in the Jenin refugee camp, where around 30 people were also injured. Another Palestinian man was killed in a separate Israeli raid in Jericho. The sixth was killed during violent demonstrations near the Gaza-Israel separation fence. The clashes in Jenin come after the Israeli military launched a major operation in the area in July. Israeli forces reported exchanging fire with local gunmen and employing a rare strike using a suicide drone. Following the withdrawal of Israeli troops, the Palestinian Authority accused gunmen from the camp of shooting at its compound. The violence marks a surge in unrest in the West Bank. In Jericho, a 19-year-old man was shot and killed during an Israeli military raid. Witnesses said that locals threw stones at Israeli soldiers during the incident. Meanwhile, tensions are rising in Gaza, where a Palestinian man was killed by Israeli forces during days of violent protests near the separation fence. Israel has closed the Erez crossing with Gaza, preventing thousands of Palestinian workers from entering the country. The protests in Gaza have grown more intense, with some demonstrators managing to cut through the fence. There is speculation that the militant group Hamas has allowed the protests to increase in an attempt to gain leverage in talks with Israel mediated by Qatar. The talks have been stalled due to delays in Qatari aid to Gaza. Israeli authorities blame Hamas for escalating attacks against its soldiers and civilians in the West Bank.