September, Friday 20, 2024

Australian Teen Dies After Being Attacked by Shark


A teenager has died in a shark attack at a popular holiday and surfing destination in South Australia, according to the police. The incident occurred at Ethel Beach in the Innes National Park on the Yorke Peninsula. The body of the victim was recovered from the water after the attack. Local residents mentioned that this was the first fatal shark attack at the resort that they were aware of. Several similar incidents have been reported in South Australian waters recently. The police were alerted about the attack at 13:30 local time and are currently preparing a report regarding the incident. Ethel Beach, known for its 1.5 meter waves, is frequently visited by surfers and tourists. A local surfer estimated that the victim was around 30 to 40 meters away from the shore during the attack. While the area has always had sharks, the resident noted that there seems to be an increase in their numbers. This incident adds to the series of shark attacks in South Australian waters that have occurred in recent months. Australia, apart from the US, has the highest number of shark attacks. It is important to note that scientists have cautioned against assuming that an increase in shark sightings indicates a rise in shark population.