September, Thursday 19, 2024

Fatal stabbing of a teacher occurs at a school in France


A teacher has been fatally stabbed and two individuals have sustained serious injuries in a knife attack at a school in the city of Arras in northern France, according to officials. The incident took place at Gambetta high school, as stated by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. The attacker, believed to be in his 20s, has been apprehended by authorities. Reports indicate that the assailant shouted "Allahu Akbar" during the assault. It has been reported that the attacker's brother has also been detained by police. The deceased victim was a French language teacher, while a sports teacher was also stabbed and injured. The perpetrator is said to be a former student at the school. The situation is now under control, confirmed police. French President Emmanuel Macron will be visiting the school later today. Further updates on this evolving story are forthcoming.