September, Friday 20, 2024

Tanzanians ponder the whereabouts of Vice-President Philip Mpango


Concerns have been raised by Tanzanians regarding the disappearance of Vice-President Philip Mpango, who has not been seen in public for over a month. He was expected to attend a science conference in Arusha but was represented by a cabinet minister instead. This absence has sparked rumors about his health. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has cautioned against such speculations, stating that the vice-president is currently abroad for official duties. It is not the first time that rumors surrounding the vice-president's health have emerged. Prior to his role as vice-president, Mr. Mpango served as the finance minister under former President John Magufuli, who passed away earlier this year. During the pandemic, Mr. Mpango denied rumors of his own death at a news conference and expressed condolences for deceased government officials. Under the country's constitution, if the president is no longer able to fulfill their duties, the vice-president assumes the presidency for the remainder of the term. The last public sighting of Mr. Mpango was on October 31st, when he represented President Samia Suluhu Hassan in a virtual meeting. President Hassan had to cut her Dubai trip short to address fatal landslides in the northern region. Some social media users have expressed concern over Mr. Mpango's unusual silence regarding the tragedy in the Hanang region, while others are worried about his health. Nonetheless, Prime Minister Majaliwa urged citizens not to speculate about the vice-president's whereabouts. Mr. Mpango's office has not provided any immediate comments on the matter.