September, Thursday 19, 2024

Over 400 animals saved from illegal trading in Spain


Over 400 animals, primarily cats and dogs, have been rescued from a trafficking ring in Spain. The gang is suspected of illegally bringing animals into Spain from eastern Europe through Andorra and then selling them for profit. They are also accused of falsifying documents to claim the animals were healthy for sale when they were not. Thirteen individuals have been arrested on charges of animal abuse, fraud, and money laundering. The animals, which were frequently kept in poor conditions, have been receiving care from veterinarians since their rescue. The joint police operation to retrieve them occurred in September, three years after authorities in Barcelona received multiple complaints about the inadequate conditions at a pet shop in the city. During their investigation, 33 sick dogs were found at the shop. Authorities revealed that some of the rescued animals, which often belonged to high-value breeds, were purchased illegally online. Others were bred in facilities operated by the suspects, where female animals were exploited solely for reproduction without any regard for their well-being. Many of the animals endured long, cramped, and unsanitary road journeys covering over 2,000 km (1,242 miles). This resulted in the spread of infectious and contagious diseases to other animals being sold alongside them. The authorities stated, "The criminal organization included a veterinarian who provided her knowledge and signature to create an illusion of reliability, guaranteeing that the animals sold were in good health." They further mentioned that the veterinarian advised other members of the criminal organization on how to conceal or falsify records during official inspections. Last month, Spain enacted a law to strengthen regulations concerning the sale and ownership of animals. This includes banning their sale in pet stores. Violations can incur jail time or fines of up to 200,000 euros (approximately £173,000).