September, Friday 20, 2024

SpaceX Allegedly Fires Employees for Criticizing CEO Elon Musk


SpaceX has been accused of wrongfully terminating eight employees who criticized its CEO, Elon Musk. According to a complaint filed by a US labor agency, the workers sent an open letter in 2022 to the company's executives expressing concerns about the workplace. The letter reportedly referred to Musk as a "distraction and embarrassment." The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), through one of its regional officials, accused SpaceX of violating the workers' rights as per federal labor law, which permits joint advocacy for better working conditions. The complaint also alleges that those involved in the open letter were interrogated before being fired. Lawyers representing one of the former employees, Deborah Lawrence, described SpaceX's culture as "toxic" and claimed that harassment was allowed. SpaceX has been asked to comment on the allegations. If the case is not settled, it will proceed to an administrative judge and can be appealed further. The NLRB has authority to reinstate workers and provide them with back pay if it finds that the firings violated labor law. This is not the first time that Musk's companies have faced accusations of violating employees' rights. Tesla, another company owned by Musk, has also been the subject of NLRB complaints, including allegations of race discrimination. Additionally, in August, the US Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against SpaceX, claiming discrimination against refugees and asylum seekers in hiring practices. Musk responded to the lawsuit, saying that SpaceX requires a green card for employment due to rocket technology being classified as an advanced weapons system under US law.