September, Thursday 19, 2024

Skepta expresses disdain for the tired portrayal of a black James Bond


British rapper Skepta has announced that he is creating a film about a black undercover secret service agent. He said he was tired of discussions about who would play the first black James Bond. The debut film, called Tribal Mark, will feature an anti-hero character for black actors. Skepta, who is known for his work in grime music, will direct, produce, and act in the film. Tribal Mark follows the story of Mark, a Nigerian immigrant who moves to London as a child and faces challenges in fitting into a new culture. The film showcases the character's journey from his teenage struggles to his present-day identity as a sharply suited individual enjoying Nigerian cuisine. Skepta described the film as an exploration of the dissociation experienced by immigrants living in the UK, but emphasized that it is not a biopic of his own life. He compared Tribal Mark to the film Joker, as it reveals how and why Mark becomes the character known as "Tribal Mark." Skepta believes it is important to create a character specifically for black actors and considers his film a prequel to a wider cinematic universe featuring black male leads. The musician drew the analogy that it would not make sense for white actors to ask to play Black Panther, just as it would be incongruous for a white actor to portray James Bond. The film, produced by Skepta's own company 1PLUS1, features a predominantly minority ethnic cast and production team, in line with the artist's effort to provide opportunities for new talent in the industry. Skepta expressed his desire to tell a deeper story through film rather than the three-minute snapshots of songs and music videos. He hopes his film will resonate with audiences and speak to the experiences of those who have had to adapt to life in the UK. A new song from Skepta's upcoming album, Knife and Fork, is featured in the film. Skepta also mentioned that food plays a significant role in both his album and the film, symbolizing cultural connection. He aims to create a successful movie franchise centered around Tribal Mark and has already begun developing ideas for future films. Tribal Mark will be released in UK cinemas on January 26th.