September, Friday 20, 2024

Opposition Leader of Seychelles, Patrick Herminie, Accused of Practicing Witchcraft


Main opposition leader in Seychelles, Patrick Herminie, along with seven others, has been charged with witchcraft. The case arises from the discovery of two bodies that were exhumed from a cemetery on Mahé island. Mr. Herminie has denied the charges, dismissing them as a "political show" intended to tarnish his reputation. He is planning to run in the 2025 presidential election under the United Seychelles Party. While Mr. Herminie and his Seychellois co-accused were released on bail of 30,000 Seychelles rupees ($2,100), a Tanzanian suspect remains in custody until the next court appearance in November. Charges faced by Mr. Herminie and his co-accused include possession of witchcraft-related items, conspiracy to perform witchcraft, and procuring services associated with witchcraft. Prosecutors claim that Mr. Herminie's name was found in a WhatsApp message exchanged between a Seychellois and the Tanzanian suspect, who was apprehended at the main international airport with various witchcraft-related items in his possession. Prosecutors further alleged that documents found were similar to those discovered in vandalized Catholic churches and other locations on Mahé island. Mr. Herminie stated that over 40 police officers raided his party's offices, searching for witchcraft-related objects but finding none. He believes his arrest to be a political maneuver by President Wavel Ramkalawan to eliminate potential challengers in the 2025 elections. President Ramkalawan has not commented on the case, and Mr. Herminie has affirmed that he does not believe in witchcraft, stating that no political party leader in Seychelles has ever been arrested on such grounds before.