September, Friday 20, 2024

Robert F Kennedy Jr expresses regret to his family regarding Super Bowl ad


Robert F Kennedy Jr has issued an apology to relatives after a Super Bowl advertisement used the same format as one that his uncle John F Kennedy's campaign used in 1960. In the ad, which aired just before the Super Bowl halftime, Robert F Kennedy Jr's image was inserted into the original 1960 ad, accompanied by a catchy jingle that repeated the Kennedy surname multiple times. The ad was created by the American Values 2024 political action committee (PAC), a Super PAC that has the ability to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to support political candidates but cannot coordinate with campaigns. The ad reportedly cost $7 million and was funded by donors, including Tim Mellon, who has also supported PACs that are in favor of President Trump. One of Robert F Kennedy Jr's cousins criticized the ad and his anti-vaccine activism, expressing that their mother, President Kennedy's sister, would have disapproved. In response, Robert F Kennedy Jr claimed that he had no involvement or approval of the ad and expressed his apologies if it had caused any pain to his family. The original ad aimed to portray John F Kennedy as a combination of youth and experience during the 1960 presidential campaign. Despite his name recognition, Robert F Kennedy Jr falls significantly behind the candidates from the two major parties in polls, with an approximate support level of 10%. The Democratic Party leadership has filed a complaint against the RFK Jr campaign, alleging that it has coordinated excessively with American Values 2024, particularly regarding efforts to get Kennedy on the ballot in all 50 states.