September, Friday 20, 2024

Robert De Niro's explosive courtroom outburst arises amidst legal dispute with ex-employee


In a courtroom, Robert De Niro raised his voice and exclaimed "shame on you" to his former assistant, Graham Chase Robinson, as he rejected claims of being an abusive boss. The exchange took place during a civil trial where both parties are suing each other. De Niro admitted to calling her a "brat" when she failed to wake him for an appointment but denied being abusive. He acknowledged berating her but insisted he was not abusive. Throughout the testimony, De Niro disputed Robinson's portrayal of her time working for him, denying any lewd or disrespectful behavior. He did admit to asking her to scratch his back and delivering a martini from a restaurant late at night, justifying it as reasonable. Robinson, who worked for De Niro from 2008 until 2019, accused him of underpayment, sexism, and assigning stereotypically female tasks. De Niro countered by suing her for allegedly misusing company resources. The trial is expected to last two weeks.