September, Thursday 19, 2024

MPs Show Support for Rwanda Bill, Despite Conservative Rebels- Rishi Sunak's Victory


The key Rwanda bill proposed by Rishi Sunak has successfully passed through the House of Commons, despite concerns from some Tory MPs. The bill aims to prevent legal challenges against the government's plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. In the end, only 11 MPs voted against the bill, which will now face opposition in the House of Lords. Sunak argues that deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda will deter migrants from attempting to cross the English Channel in small boats, but Labour deems it an expensive gimmick. A number of Conservative MPs tried to amend the bill, expressing concerns that the government's plan could be blocked by the courts. However, their amendments were not approved, and the bill received the backing of 61 Conservatives. The bill could have failed if about 30 Conservatives voted against it, which would have been detrimental to the prime minister's authority. Some MPs suggested they would abstain or vote against the bill if it remained unchanged. Nevertheless, only 11 MPs, including Suella Braverman and Robert Jenrick, voted against it. The bill will now move to the House of Lords where it is expected to face serious opposition.