September, Thursday 19, 2024

Pakistan carries out retaliatory strikes in Iran within 48 hours of missile attack


Pakistan has launched missile strikes into Iran, just two days after an Iranian attack heightened tensions between the two nuclear states. According to Pakistan, the strikes targeted "terrorist hideouts" in the Sistan-o-Balochistan province which borders Iran. Iranian media reported that the strikes resulted in the deaths of three women and four children. Both countries have long accused each other of sheltering militant groups responsible for border region attacks. This military action by Pakistan follows its condemnation of Iran's strike on Tuesday, which allegedly killed two children. Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the strikes and noted that "a number of terrorists" were killed during the operation. In response to Iran's strike, Pakistan had previously warned of "serious consequences" and imposed measures such as the expulsion of Iran's ambassador. Iran claimed its strikes solely targeted Jaish al-Adl, a group it labels as terrorists, rather than Pakistan's citizens. However, Pakistan expressed outrage over the incident and defended its own strikes as a response to threats posed by "terrorists" known as Sarmachars. The Pakistani foreign ministry emphasized the country's commitment to protecting national security and interests while respecting Iran's sovereignty and territorial integrity.