September, Friday 20, 2024

Republicans push for charges of contempt against Hunter Biden


House Republicans are recommending that Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, be charged with contempt of Congress after he refused to appear at a closed doors hearing last month. Hunter Biden was subpoenaed to testify privately about his business dealings for the impeachment case against his father. He declined to appear, leading Republicans to criticize his actions as contemptuous and unlawful in a report published this week. Democrats argue that this case is a partisan attack against the president with no merit. The report released by Representative James Comer, who chairs the Oversight Committee, recommends that Hunter Biden face charges, pending the passing of a resolution by Comer's committee and the entire House. Hunter Biden's attorney has yet to comment on the matter. In November, Hunter Biden expressed willingness to testify to the Oversight Committee, but only in a public hearing. Republicans declined this offer, prompting Hunter Biden to make a statement outside the Capitol, where he accused Republicans of distorting facts and called for a public hearing. He also stated that there was no evidence to support the allegations of his father's financial involvement in his business. The Oversight Committee plans to consider the resolution on Wednesday, while the Judiciary Committee will review the report released by Republicans. The entire House would have to vote in favor of referring Hunter Biden to the Justice Department for contempt of Congress charges, which would require the support of all Republican members due to their slim majority. Republicans have been conducting a long investigation into the president without finding any concrete evidence of misconduct. The focus of the inquiry has largely been on Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings, particularly in Ukraine and China. Additionally, House Republicans have accused the US Justice Department of impeding an ongoing criminal probe into Hunter Biden. The impeachment investigation has been met with criticism, including from some Republicans, who view it as a political tactic to harm the president's re-election campaign.