September, Friday 20, 2024

Anders Breivik, the man responsible for a mass killing, files a lawsuit against Norway seeking compensation for being kept in solitary confinement.


Anders Breivik, a neo-Nazi who carried out a mass killing of 77 people in Norway in 2011, is taking legal action against the country in an attempt to end his years of isolation. Breivik argues that his current conditions violate his human rights. The justice ministry of Norway maintains that he must be kept isolated from the prison population due to security concerns. Breivik's lawyers stated in court that he no longer desires to live and has been living in complete isolation for about 12 years. They also requested the removal of restrictions on his communication with the outside world. Breivik was sentenced to 21 years, the maximum penalty in Norway, for his attacks, but this can be extended if he is deemed a continuing threat. He has previously challenged the terms of his sentence, winning a partial human rights case against the state in 2016, which was later overturned. Currently, Breivik resides in a specialized section within Ringerike prison, located near the island of Utoeya, where he carried out his killings. The prison provides him with certain amenities such as a training room, kitchen, TV room, and a bathroom. The justice ministry argues that he has access to various activities such as cooking, games, walks, basketball, and studies, and his isolation is relative since he has contact with guards, health professionals, and religious figures. The judge is expected to deliver a verdict in the upcoming weeks.