September, Friday 20, 2024

Former commander of Russian-backed separatist forces in Ukraine, Igor Girkin, expresses his intention to run in Russia's upcoming presidential election, challenging President Putin.


Igor Girkin, a pro-war blogger known as Igor Strelkov, has announced his intention to challenge Vladimir Putin in Russia's upcoming presidential elections in March. Girkin played a significant role in Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 and is currently in jail awaiting trial for extremism, which he denies. He acknowledges that he may not be allowed to participate, but hopes to disrupt what he refers to as a "sham election." Girkin believes that by uniting patriotic forces, he can disrupt the Kremlin's plans for a predetermined outcome. He has urged his supporters to establish a campaign headquarters and gather signatures for his candidacy. While there is a possibility that Girkin could join the race, his criminal investigation has been extended until December 18. Girkin, a former FSB intelligence colonel, was convicted in absentia by a Dutch court last year for his involvement in the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines flight in 2014. Despite facing a potential five-year jail term if convicted of extremism, Girkin has continued to criticize Russia's military strategy in Ukraine. Russian authorities have cracked down on nationalists advocating for a tougher approach in the war, following the failed mutiny by Yevgeny Prigozhin in June. Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group, was killed in an August plane crash under unclear circumstances. While Putin has not officially announced his candidacy for re-election, his spokesperson expressed hope that he would run for another term. Putin has served as president from 2000 to 2008, returning to the position in 2012 after a stint as prime minister. If re-elected, he could remain in power until at least 2030.