September, Friday 20, 2024

Argentine voters face decision between extreme choices in runoff election.


Argentinians are preparing to vote in a run-off election on Sunday to determine their next leader for the next four years. The two main candidates, left-wing economy minister Sergio Massa and far-right libertarian Javier Milei, are currently in a tight race according to opinion polls. Massa came out on top in the first round with 36.7% of the votes, followed closely by Milei with 30%. However, recent polls suggest that Milei has gained ground since then, with his anti-establishment promises to "blow up" Argentina's political system resonating with voters. Voting will take place from 08:00 to 18:00 local time, and with approximately 40% of Argentinians living in poverty, addressing high prices and inflation are the key concerns for voters. Massa's victory in the first round was surprising to many, as he has been the economy minister during a period of skyrocketing inflation. Since neither Massa nor Milei obtained the required 45% of votes to win outright, they will now face each other in the decisive run-off. Third-place candidate Patricia Bullrich has endorsed Milei, and most of her supporters are expected to back him as well. While polls show Milei with a slight lead, the run-off is predicted to be a closely contested election. Milei, an economist and self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, has gained a strong following, particularly among disillusioned young voters who are fed up with traditional politics. His Libertarian party, founded in 2018, is seen as a fresh alternative without the mistakes of the past, and voters are willing to give his radical proposals a chance after years of economic turmoil. Milei has advocated for replacing the peso with the US dollar and has expressed controversial views on social issues such as sex education, gun laws, and the sale of human organs. He has also publicly criticized Pope Francis, accusing him of being a communist. Despite his flamboyant and controversial persona, Milei has a devoted following that eagerly supports him. Massa, on the other hand, is an experienced politician who previously led the Chamber of Deputies and became economy minister in the Peronist government in 2022. He has positioned himself as someone with the knowledge and experience to guide Argentina out of its economic crisis. Massa promises to protect welfare payments and subsidized public transport for the country's poor. He also holds liberal views on social issues, backing Argentina's recent legalization of abortion and emphasizing the dangers of climate change, in contrast to Milei's skepticism. While Massa has attempted to sway undecided voters against Milei, portraying him as a liability, it is uncertain if he can win over a significant portion of Argentinians who have expressed a deep dissatisfaction with his Peronist party.