September, Friday 20, 2024

Putin and Kim: Allies seeking military support


Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un have a lot in common. Both leaders have not been travelling much, with Putin staying within Russia this year and Kim not leaving North Korea for four years. Additionally, both Russia and North Korea have been labeled as "rogue states" and are facing heavy international sanctions. Both governments also criticize the United States for its "hegemony." Despite their differences, a common enemy has brought Putin and Kim closer together in the geopolitical realities of 2023. Their relationship can be seen as a strategic partnership rather than a bromance. Unlike former US President Donald Trump, who claimed to have "fallen in love" with Kim, Putin and Kim are less openly affectionate in public. However, they see potential benefits from a closer relationship. For Russia, North Korea's huge defense industry with large-scale production capabilities could be invaluable amid their ongoing war in Ukraine. There have been suspicions that Russia has been seeking ammunition and artillery shells from North Korea, although there is no official confirmation. Nonetheless, there are signs of increasing military cooperation between the two countries. In July, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu became the first since the Soviet Union's breakup to visit North Korea, where he was shown around a weapons exhibition by Kim Jong Un. Shoigu has also hinted at the possibility of joint military exercises. Former Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev believes that seeking weaponry from North Korea would be a humiliation for Russia's image as a great power. However, it could align with Putin's intent to reshape the global order according to Russia's preferences, as demonstrated by the invasion of Ukraine. In the past, Russia supported UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea due to its nuclear weapons program. But now, an arms deal between Moscow and Pyongyang would represent a significant shift. Russian tabloid Moskovsky Komsomolets highlighted that Russia had previously signed these sanctions, but suggested that they could be repealed. North Korea likely hopes to receive humanitarian aid to address its food shortages from Russia. There are also speculations that Pyongyang seeks advanced Russian technology for satellites, military purposes, and potentially nuclear-powered submarines. While Russia's war effort has faced challenges in Ukraine, it is not on the verge of collapse without North Korea's assistance. Former Foreign Minister Kozyrev believes that Putin is not desperate and can sustain the situation for a long time by finding ways to circumvent sanctions and cooperate with countries like China, North Korea, and African regimes. In conclusion, Putin and Kim have found a common ground in their shared challenges and interests. Russia sees potential military support and cooperation with North Korea, while North Korea hopes to receive aid and advanced technology from Russia. Their relationship reflects the changing dynamics in the global order and the pursuit of their respective national interests in the present and possibly the years to come.