September, Friday 20, 2024

Kim Jong Un's Foreign Travel: A Journey via Boats, Planes, and Armoured Trains


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is traveling to Russia's port city Vladivostok to meet with President Vladimir Putin. Following a tradition among North Korean leaders, Kim will spend over 20 hours on a bulletproof train, covering a distance of 1,180km. The train, named Taeyangho, is known for its luxurious amenities, including a restaurant serving French wines and dishes like fresh lobster. The train travels at a sluggish speed of 50km/h due to its armored protection. This slow pace is a contrast to high-speed rail systems in other countries, such as London's and Japan's bullet trains. The journey also takes into account North Korea's outdated rail network. The tradition of long train journeys dates back to Kim Jong Un's grandfather, Kim Il Sung. He traveled on his own train to Vietnam and Eastern Europe. These trains are heavily guarded by security agents who ensure the safety of the journey. Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong Il, who ruled North Korea until 2011, also traveled by train due to his fear of flying. One notable trip was a 10-day journey to Moscow in 2001 to meet Putin. Former Russian military commander Konstantin Pulikovsky, who accompanied Kim Jong Il on the 2001 train ride, described the opulence of the train in his memoir. He mentioned that passengers could order dishes from various cuisines, including Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and French. Fresh lobsters were transported to the train, along with cases of red wine from Bordeaux and Burgundy. Another former Russian diplomat, Georgy Toloraya, shared his experience of traveling on the same train in 2001. He mentioned delicacies like donkey meat and abalones being flown in from Pyongyang, along with Russian Standard vodka. Performers and singers entertained guests aboard the train. Notably, Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack while traveling on the train in 2011, according to North Korean state media. Reports suggest that the armoured train consists of around 90 carriages, featuring conference rooms, audience chambers, and bedrooms. Images show carriages filled with red leather armchairs. Although Kim Jong Un has flown on his Russian-made private jet for several trips, he arrived in Vladivostok by train during his last meeting with Putin in 2019. His rumored upcoming trip will likely start in Pyongyang and go through Tumangang station at the Russian border, where the train wheels will be switched for the Russian tracks. In addition to trains and planes, Kim Jong Un has been seen using other luxurious forms of transport within North Korea. For example, he has used a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, which is reportedly transported aboard the train. His convoy during the 2018 inter-Korean summit included a private toilet car. There have also been reports of Kim riding on boats, a submarine, buses, and even a ski lift in North Korea. However, it is yet to be seen which other forms of transport he may use during his international excursions.