September, Friday 20, 2024

Progressive Democrats enraged by Houthi strikes while Republicans give unusual commendation.


Progressive Democrats have strongly criticized the United States' decision to launch retaliatory strikes against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. They argue that President Joe Biden violated the US Constitution by not seeking congressional approval first. However, there are some Republicans who offered rare praise for the administration, calling it an "overdue" act of deterrence. President Biden referred to the precision strikes as a "defensive action". In a joint statement with coalition partners, the White House stated that the strikes were conducted in accordance with the right of self-defense outlined in the UN charter. While President Biden informed Congress prior to the strikes, he did not seek its authorization, leading several progressives to argue that his actions violated Article I of the Constitution. Some Republicans also expressed their disapproval, questioning the authority under which the strikes were carried out. US presidents, including Barack Obama and Donald Trump, have frequently conducted strikes without seeking congressional approval. President Biden, however, previously argued against such actions, stating that presidents should not lead the nation to war without the consent of the American people. Despite the criticism from some members of Congress, top Republicans and Democrats have supported President Biden's decision. The Pentagon is expected to provide further details on the damage caused by the strikes in the coming days.