September, Thursday 19, 2024

Princess Leonor of Spain's prominence increases as she reaches adulthood


Spain's Princess Leonor is set to turn 18 and take on the role of heir to the throne. Her birthday will be celebrated with a formal ceremony in the Spanish Parliament, where she will pledge allegiance to the Constitution and receive medals of Congress and the Senate. The royal family has released previously unpublished photos of the princess, including ones from her first day of school and with her parents and younger sister. Princess Leonor's birthday is significant, and there will be a reception at the Royal Palace in Madrid, followed by a family gathering. This marks a shift as she transitions from being a private figure to a public one. Royal biographer Carmen Remírez de Ganuza notes that Leonor will need to create her own narrative and connect with her generation. Leading up to her birthday, she graduated from UWC Atlantic in Wales and concluded basic training at an army academy. Princess Leonor presided over the Princess of Asturias awards, where she stressed the importance of her duties and responsibilities. While the Spanish throne has faced challenges in recent years, Leonor appears poised to take on her role with grace. Alongside her institutional position, there is also interest in her as a figure in Spain's celebrity sphere. Speculation about her personal life and fashion choices has generated media attention. However, Princess Leonor's role will extend beyond being a purely institutional figure as she embraces her future as Spain's next monarch.