September, Friday 20, 2024

John Hanke, the creator of Pokémon Go, assures that the app is not facing its end.


Pokémon has been a popular franchise since its launch in 1996, with fans obsessed with catching all the creatures. In 2016, the release of Pokémon Go caused a global frenzy as players used augmented reality to catch virtual monsters. Although the game still has millions of daily players, it has struggled to maintain its initial success and many long-time fans are unhappy with recent changes. However, creator John Hanke believes that the game is still going strong. Hanke, who also created Google Maps, is excited about the potential of new devices like smart glasses and connected watches to enhance the gaming experience. Niantic, the company behind Pokémon Go, is looking to deploy artificial intelligence in the game to make it more realistic. Despite some setbacks with office closures and layoffs, Niantic is working on new features and game modes to increase player engagement. Pokémon Go has also brought people together and even resulted in relationships and friendships forming. Hanke views this as a positive aspect of the game, as it brings people together in a world that needs more unity.