September, Thursday 19, 2024

Preet Chandi: Female Army Officer Breaks Speed Record in Skiing to South Pole


Preet Chandi, a British Army officer, claims to have broken the world record for the fastest solo ski expedition to the South Pole. According to her, she covered a distance of 1,130km (702 miles) in just 31 days, 13 hours, and 19 minutes. However, this record still needs to be verified by the Guinness World Records team. Chandi, also known as "Polar Preet", began her journey on 26th November from Hercules Inlet on the Ronne Ice Shelf and reached the South Pole on 28th December. Throughout the expedition, she skied for an average of 12 to 13 hours a day, pulling a 75kg sled filled with her necessary supplies. Chandi expressed her exhaustion but was pleased with her achievement. She compared this expedition to her previous one, stating that this time she pushed herself to her limits. Chandi had previously broken records for the longest polar ski expedition by a woman and the overall record for trekking from the Hercules Inlet to the Reedy Glacier in the Antarctic. She emphasized the challenges she faced during her latest trek, constantly needing to balance her effort and daily skiing time to avoid burning out or missing the record. Chandi shared her deep appreciation and respect for Antarctica, calling it an amazing and privileged experience. She credited her success to focusing on what she could control and taking one step at a time. Currently on a break from military service, Chandi works as a physiotherapist at a rehabilitation facility in Buckinghamshire that caters to injured soldiers and officers.