September, Thursday 19, 2024

Mother shares cautionary tale after her son suffers burns at National Trust venue


A young boy sustained severe burns after a hot drink was accidentally spilled on him during a festive outing at Belton House in Lincolnshire. The incident occurred on 16 December when the boy, Noah, his mother Kirsty, and her husband Sam, went to a light show at the Grade I listed property. It is believed that another visitor spilled mulled wine or cider from a cup without a lid, causing Noah to scream in pain. The National Trust, which manages the site, has stated that it is conducting an investigation. Kirsty claimed that "boiling hot" drinks were being sold without lids and hoped that sharing her family's ordeal would raise awareness and prevent future accidents. Noah's neck suffered blistering and turning red, prompting the family to remove his coat and jumper and pour water on the burns with the help of staff from the drinks kiosk. An ambulance was called, and Noah was taken to a specialised burns unit in Nottingham. The family has made several trips to the hospital since the incident, and doctors have informed them that Noah has suffered 5% burns to his body. He is scheduled to undergo a skin graft operation on Thursday. The National Trust expressed concern over the incident and assured that the safety and well-being of visitors is of utmost importance. Despite the difficult circumstances, Noah was able to spend Christmas Day at home with his family.