September, Thursday 19, 2024

New York State Takes Legal Action Against PepsiCo Over Plastic Pollution


New York state has filed a lawsuit against PepsiCo, accusing the company of contributing to plastic pollution in the Buffalo River. The lawsuit claims that PepsiCo is the biggest contributor to this issue. PepsiCo's spokesperson responded by stating that the company has made efforts to reduce plastic use. Last week, other major corporations such as Coca-Cola, Danone, and Nestle were also accused of making misleading claims about their plastic bottles. Local authorities have been taking legal action against many large corporations for their environmental impact. Greenwashing, which involves falsely marketing products as eco-friendly, is a common concern. New York's Attorney General, Letitia James, stated that no company is too big to be held accountable for environmental damage. A survey conducted by her office found that PepsiCo's single-use plastic packaging was the most significant contributor to plastic waste along the Buffalo River. Other brands, such as McDonald's and Hershey's, were also identified. According to New York state, PepsiCo produces over 85 different beverage brands and 25 snack food brands that predominantly use single-use plastic containers. In response, PepsiCo stated that it is committed to plastic reduction and effective recycling, but also acknowledged that this is a complex issue requiring collaboration with various stakeholders. The lawsuit also claims that microplastics have been found in Buffalo's drinking water supply, which can have adverse health effects.