September, Thursday 19, 2024

Fire in Shanxi Building Leaves 25 Dead and Numerous Hospitalized in China


According to state media reports, a fire in an office building in northern China has led to the death of at least 25 individuals. The incident occurred in Luliang City, Shanxi province, at approximately 07:00 local time on Thursday. Following the fire, 51 people were taken to the hospital out of the many who were evacuated from the four-story Yongju Coal Industry Joint Building. Rescue operations are still ongoing, despite the fire being under control. A video shared on Chinese social media platform Weibo depicted flames and dense smoke emerging from the building. This incident took place in the country's leading coal-producing province where industrial accidents, including fires, are rather frequent due to relaxed safety standards and insufficient enforcement. A hospital fire in Beijing claimed the lives of 29 individuals in April, leading to public outrage as many questioned the lack of reporting on the incident and delayed information dissemination to patients' families. Moreover, in October of last year, an explosion at a barbecue restaurant in the northwestern Yinchuan province resulted in the death of 31 people.