September, Friday 20, 2024

No room for debate on Falklands, declares Lord Cameron prior to visit


Lord Cameron has stated that the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands will not be up for discussion as long as the residents want to remain a British territory. This affirmation comes as the foreign secretary prepares for a visit to the islands, which will be the first by a cabinet minister since 2016. Argentina's President Javier Milei has recently called for the islands to be handed over to his country. The visit is taking place ahead of a G20 summit, where the foreign ministers of Argentina and the UK will be in attendance. Lord Cameron has reiterated the UK government's position that the sovereignty of the islands is non-negotiable as long as the residents want it to remain British. He also praised the Falkland Islanders for building a modern and prosperous community. Argentina has continued to press for the territory to be handed to Buenos Aires, but the Foreign Office stated that they have agreed to disagree with President Milei in a polite manner. In 1982, a war over the islands resulted in the death of British and Argentinian personnel. In 2013, a referendum showed that 90% of the islanders wished to remain a UK overseas territory. Lord Cameron is set to visit Paraguay after his visit to the Falkland Islands, marking the first time a British foreign secretary has visited the South American country. He will then attend a meeting of G20 nations in Brazil.