September, Thursday 19, 2024

Infant Girl Discovered Wrapped in Towel Inside Bag in Newham


According to the police, a newborn baby girl was found wrapped in a towel inside a shopping bag in east London. A member of the public discovered the baby in Newham and kept her warm until paramedics arrived. Fortunately, the baby was unharmed and is currently in a safe condition at the hospital. The police are now appealing to the baby's mother to come forward and assured her that her daughter is well, regardless of the circumstances. The incident took place on Thursday evening when a dog walker found the baby at the junction of Greenway and High Street South and immediately notified the authorities. The Chief Superintendent, Simon Crick, commended the walker for keeping the baby warm, explaining that it played a crucial role in saving her life. Concerns for the mother's welfare have also been expressed, as it is evident that she went through a traumatic ordeal during childbirth. The police are urging her to seek immediate medical attention by contacting them or visiting the nearest hospital or police station. Additionally, the police are requesting anyone with information about the mother's identity to get in touch.