September, Friday 20, 2024

Bystanders Thwart Attempted Arson at MLK's Childhood Home


A 26-year-old woman in Atlanta, Georgia, was arrested for attempting to set fire to the birth home of Martin Luther King Jr, according to the police. She is facing charges of arson and interfering with government property after allegedly pouring gasoline onto the property. Thankfully, her actions were stopped by bystanders, including two visiting filmmakers and two off-duty police officers. The police stated that their quick intervention "saved an important part of American history." The two-story house, located in the Auburn Avenue Historic District, is where Dr. King spent his first 12 years and is considered a federal landmark. Currently closed to the public for repairs, the house was acquired by the National Park Service in 2018. Police responded to the incident after the filmmakers and officers from New York restrained the suspect, who was dressed in all black, from further damaging the house. The woman's father and sisters, who arrived later, described her as a mentally distressed veteran. She is undergoing a mental health evaluation before being transferred to the local jail, and she may face additional federal charges. Fire officials confirmed that no damage was done to the home, thanks to the timely intervention of witnesses. The King Center expressed gratitude for the brave actions of the bystanders and the swift response of law enforcement, while offering thoughts and prayers for the individual who committed the act.