September, Friday 20, 2024

Evacuees Criticize Al-Mawasi: Gaza Humanitarian Zone Lacks Compassion


Israel has been repeatedly advising the two million civilians in Gaza to move to a small "humanitarian zone" in Al-Mawasi, which is smaller than London's Heathrow Airport. Al-Mawasi is a narrow strip of land near the Mediterranean Sea, consisting mostly of sandy dunes and agricultural land. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have designated this zone, measuring just 8.5 sq km, as safe for civilians. However, many displaced Palestinians have found little to no basic services in this area, including water and electricity. The IDF has instructed civilians to move to Al-Mawasi on multiple occasions through social media, but the changing instructions and lack of internet connectivity have made it difficult for people to find safety. Additionally, different areas within Al-Mawasi have been designated as "humanitarian zones" by Israel on different dates. Displaced individuals, such as Reem Abd Rabu and Mona al-Astal, have experienced the hardships of living in Al-Mawasi, including inadequate supplies, hunger, and the spread of diseases among children. Despite the IDF's claim of a rocket being launched from a humanitarian zone toward Israel, the BBC has not been able to independently verify this. International agencies, such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations, have expressed concerns about the viability of humanitarian zones in Gaza due to the ongoing fighting and airstrikes across the territory.