September, Friday 20, 2024

Son of Vivian Silver anxiously waits for updates on missing peace activist


Yonatan Ziegen, a resident of Tel Aviv, experienced the terror of a Hamas attack firsthand. He woke to the sound of alarms and quickly realized that his mother, Vivian Silver, who lived in a kibbutz on the border with Gaza, was in danger. Vivian, a well-known peace activist, was hiding in her home as Hamas militants moved through the kibbutz. Yonatan and Vivian communicated through WhatsApp, with Vivian expressing her belief that a massacre was taking place. Their final text messages consisted of their declarations of love for each other. Yonatan believes his mother would say that this tragedy is the result of the failure to strive for peace. The kibbutz was heavily targeted by Hamas, resulting in a devastating massacre. Yonatan and his brother have not heard any news about their mother since that morning. The army later joined them in surveying the wreckage, and they encountered volunteers from an organization called Zaka, who described the horrific scene they witnessed. The remains of Vivian's house and her neighbor's house were gutted by the fire, leaving uncertainty about Vivian's fate. The destruction in the kibbutz supports the belief among many Israelis that military solutions to the conflict have been unsuccessful. The survivors have evacuated the kibbutz, and the Israeli government vows to destroy Hamas in the current conflict.