September, Friday 20, 2024

Technical issues impact Microsoft Teams and Xbox services for users in the UK and Europe.


Customers of Microsoft in the UK and Europe have experienced difficulties accessing the company's software. Over 1,500 people in the UK reported issues with Teams, Microsoft's workplace app, and a similar number had problems with Xbox Live, the gaming platform. Some individuals who purchased the latest game in the Call of Duty series have been unable to play it due to these issues. Microsoft acknowledged that there were anomalies in their network infrastructure and is currently investigating the cause. Although Microsoft initially stated that the problem was limited to the UK and Germany, customers in other European countries such as Sweden and Poland have also reported difficulties. This recent outage comes at an unfortunate time for Microsoft, as they just launched the latest Call of Duty game. Users have experienced problems with login details and server connections, primarily through Vodafone's broadband services, but also with other internet providers. The exact cause and extent of the outage remain unclear, and Microsoft has yet to provide comment on the matter.