September, Friday 20, 2024

Passing of Frank Borman: NASA Astronaut and Leader of Apollo 8 Lunar Mission


Former Nasa astronaut Frank Borman, who led the first-ever space mission around the moon on Apollo 8, has passed away at the age of 95 in Billings, Montana. Borman and two other astronauts made history in 1968 as the first humans to witness the far side of the Moon. Nasa Administrator Bill Nelson paid tribute to Mr. Borman, describing him as one of Nasa's finest and a dedicated American hero. Nelson also highlighted Mr. Borman's love for aviation, exploration, and his wife Susan. Apollo 8 was a significant mission as it marked the first time humans ventured beyond Earth's orbit, capturing the famous Earthrise photo taken by William Anders. This image is widely recognized for igniting the environmental movement. Mr. Borman began his notable career in the Air Force before joining Nasa and, after retiring as an astronaut, became the leader of Eastern Airlines. In 1993, he was honored with induction into the US Astronaut Hall of Fame and had a section of expressway named after him.