September, Friday 20, 2024

Unearthed: Ancient Gold Ring with Romantic Inscription Discovered near Frinton


A metal detectorist has discovered a gold ring from the late medieval period that bears an engraving declaring love. The ring was found near Frinton, Essex, just 50 meters away from a Tudor silver gilt hooked tag, also found by the same individual. Historian Lori Rogerson, who serves as the county's finds liaison officer, translated the French inscription on the ring, which means "I desire to serve you." She believes that the ring and tag were likely lost at the same time. Despite its small size, Rogerson suggests that the ring was probably worn by a man and could have been placed on the upper joint of a finger. Rings with similar French mottos were trendy during the years 1400 to 1500 and were often used as part of the courtly love tradition in medieval Europe. Rogerson points out that anyone who could afford a gold ring during this period would have been among the elite who were knowledgeable in French. The ring and tag, both in damaged condition, may have belonged to the same person who lost them while on their way to recycle them. The hooked tag was commonly used by Tudor-era women to show multiple layers of their skirts. The items are currently undergoing a coroner's inquest in Chelmsford and a local museum in Essex is interested in acquiring them.