September, Thursday 19, 2024

US Mother Arrested in London, Her Children Shot


Autopsy records have revealed that two children allegedly killed by their mother in Colorado died from gunshot wounds. Elianna "Ellie" Wentz, 9, and Aden Wentz, 7, were found dead in December at a property in Colorado Springs. The mother, Kimberlee Singler, 35, was arrested in London 11 days later and is currently facing extradition. The autopsy records also showed that the children had high levels of doxylamine, a sleep medication, in their system. Ellie suffered a gunshot wound to the head and cuts to her neck, while Aden was killed by a gunshot to his head. The reports stated that the injuries were caused by the deliberate actions of another person. The mother and her ex-husband had been involved in a court battle over custodial issues since December 2018. In November, Ms Singler filed a request for a temporary protection order, alleging that her ex-husband had threatened her with a knife, but the court found no imminent threat. On the night of the incident, the police responded to a 911 call reporting a burglary, but later determined it to be unfounded. Ms Singler was later arrested in the UK and will face charges including two counts of first-degree murder if extradited to the US.