September, Thursday 19, 2024

Kenyan publisher withdraws book due to controversy surrounding depiction of Prophet Muhammad


A Kenyan publisher has withdrawn a school book that contained a drawing of Prophet Muhammad after complaints from Muslim leaders and parents. They argued that it was blasphemous to depict the prophet and to ask students to color the image. The Mentor Publishing Company has expressed regret for the mistake and has stated that the drawing was inadvertently included in the book. They have apologized to the Muslim community and have committed to removing the offensive drawing from future editions. The publisher will also be working with the Muslim Education Council to review all of their books. Muslim scholars have emphasized that the depiction of Prophet Muhammad is strictly prohibited in Islamic tradition. This incident highlights the sensitive nature of portraying religious figures and the need for consultation with religious leaders in the publication of Islamic materials. The controversy surrounding depictions of Prophet Muhammad has previously led to tensions and conflicts, such as the beheading of a teacher in France in 2020. Although there is no explicit prohibition in the Quran on images of Prophet Muhammad, many Muslims believe it is disrespectful to depict him.