September, Thursday 19, 2024

Kenya Emulates Malawi, Sending Agricultural Workers to Israel Amid Ongoing Hamas Conflict


The Kenyan government has announced that it will be sending 1,500 farm workers to Israel to fill a labor gap caused by the departure of foreign workers. The workers will be deployed on renewable three-year contracts with a guaranteed net monthly income of $1,500. This move comes after Malawi sent 221 young people to work on Israeli farms, which sparked some backlash. Israel has turned to Africa to fill the labor shortage, and it is also planning to recruit farm workers from Uganda and Tanzania. There have been concerns about the safety and conditions that the workers will face in Israel, as previous investigations have revealed unsafe working practices and poor living conditions for migrant farm workers. However, Israel has stated that it has put measures in place to ensure fair treatment for foreign workers. Some Kenyans have supported the deal, considering the desperate need for jobs in the country. Malawi has also announced plans to send 5,000 more young people to work on Israeli farms, despite concerns about the welfare of the workers. The workers, however, have expressed excitement about the opportunity to work and earn higher salaries in Israel. They have been assured by their employment agencies that they will be safe and that the conflict will not directly affect them.