September, Thursday 19, 2024

Denmark Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Burning of the Quran


The Danish parliament has passed a new law, known as the Quran law, which prohibits the disrespectful treatment of religious texts. Offenders can now face a fine or up to two years in jail. This law comes in response to a series of incidents where the Quran was burned, leading to outrage in Muslim countries. The issue has sparked street protests in Denmark and Sweden, raising concerns about security in the region. The bill faced opposition in parliament, with some arguing that it infringes on freedom of speech. However, the government argued that the law only has a limited impact and that criticizing religion would still be legal. The government's intention in proposing the law was to send a message to the world after witnessing multiple demonstrations, including the burning of the Quran in front of foreign embassies. Denmark's intelligence service had also warned that these incidents increased the terrorist threat. Sweden is currently considering a similar law, and both countries have already abolished blasphemy laws.