September, Thursday 19, 2024

Kate Cox: Texas Woman Leaves State in Battle to Obtain Abortion


A woman from Texas who went to court to get an abortion for her high-risk pregnancy has left the state in order to have the procedure, according to her lawyers. Kate Cox, 31, sought an abortion after her fetus was diagnosed with a potentially fatal condition. Initially, a lower court granted her permission, but the Texas Supreme Court suspended this decision. Texas has one of the strictest abortion laws in the United States, allowing terminations only in rare cases where the life of the mother is at risk. Advocates argue that this exception is too ambiguous and poses a threat to women's health. Doctors refused to perform the abortion on Cox, stating that they were unable to do so as long as her baby had a heartbeat. On Thursday, Cox was granted an exception by a judge, but the state's Attorney General threatened to prosecute any healthcare providers involved in the procedure. The Texas Supreme Court stepped in, temporarily blocking Cox from getting an abortion while the case is being reviewed. Cox's lawyers stated that she urgently needed the procedure due to her deteriorating health. Cox was able to leave the state for the abortion, but it remains uncertain where she went.