September, Thursday 19, 2024

COP28: Mothers taking a stand on climate change within influential circles


Three mothers from different parts of the world are using their love for their children as motivation to push for action on climate change at the COP28 climate talks in Dubai. Aydah Akao, a mother from the Solomon Islands, is particularly concerned about rising sea levels and the threat they pose to her home and heritage. She is joined by mothers from various countries who have come together to ensure their voices are heard by world leaders and policymakers at the summit. Miriam Wanjiku from Kenya is focusing on protecting Lake Victoria from pollution, while Bhavreen Kandhari from India is advocating for cleaner air in Delhi, one of the most polluted cities in the world. These mothers, supported by the organization Our Kids' Climate, are united in their mission to secure a safer future for their children and future generations.