September, Friday 20, 2024

Argentine President's Supported Reforms Spark Protests During Lawmakers' Debate Featuring Javier Milei


Protests erupted in Buenos Aires as Argentine lawmakers debated a controversial bill proposed by President Javier Milei. The "omnibus bill," consisting of numerous articles, aims to introduce extensive free-market reforms. President Milei, who was elected last month with the promise of revamping Argentina's struggling economy and reducing inflation, has faced opposition from some lawmakers regarding his proposed reforms. He has warned of a potential "social catastrophe of biblical proportions" if radical changes are not implemented. The bill, initially containing over 650 articles, has been significantly reduced in an attempt to gain support from the opposition. Some of the dropped proposals include tax system reform and changes in pension calculations. While the bill still includes the privatization of state-run companies, the oil giant YPF is now excluded. However, a controversial provision granting President Milei emergency powers still remains, albeit with a reduced duration. Critics argue that the bill undermines Argentine democracy, while President Milei maintains that radical measures are necessary for economic recovery. Some of President Milei's reforms, such as labor reforms enacted by decree, have already been deemed unconstitutional by the court. Despite these setbacks, the government aims to secure approval for the omnibus bill, which is currently being debated in the lower house. If passed, the bill will then face further scrutiny and a vote in the Senate.