September, Friday 20, 2024

Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin expresses remorse for undisclosed hospital visit


US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin has issued an apology for not informing the chain of command when he secretly entered the hospital last December. The 70-year-old was recently discharged as he continues to recover from prostate cancer treatment. Austin acknowledged his mistake in not informing President Biden about his cancer diagnosis, as Pentagon chiefs are expected to be readily available to handle national security crises. During a press conference, Austin took full responsibility for his actions and apologised to his colleagues and the American people. He also directly apologised to President Biden for not immediately informing him of his diagnosis and treatment. Austin clarified that he had never instructed his staff to conceal his hospital stay from the White House or the public. As an essential member of the Cabinet and just below the president in the chain of command for the US military, the defence secretary's role is highly significant. Austin underwent surgery for prostate cancer in late December but faced complications that led to his readmission to the hospital on New Year's Day. The seriousness of his illness wasn't known to senior defence officials and the White House until three days after his readmission. President Biden expressed confidence in Austin's leadership but acknowledged that it was less than ideal that the severity of his illness had not been disclosed. This is an ongoing news story with further updates expected.