September, Friday 20, 2024

Jaswant Singh Chail: Windsor trespasser sentenced for threatening to kill Queen


A 21-year-old man named Jaswant Singh Chail has been sentenced to nine years in prison for planning to assassinate the Queen at Windsor Castle. Chail was apprehended on Christmas Day 2021 while Queen Elizabeth II was staying in the castle. According to the Old Bailey, he was influenced by his AI chatbot "girlfriend" Sarai and inspired by Star Wars storylines. Additionally, Chail will be placed under a hybrid order as per the Mental Health Act, which means he will initially stay in a psychiatric hospital and be transferred to custody once he receives the necessary treatment. Notably, Chail is the first person to be convicted of treason in the UK since 1981. He had also admitted to making threats to kill and possessing an offensive weapon. The judge, Mr. Justice Hilliard, emphasized that Chail had acted upon homicidal thoughts and described his intention to kill as an incredibly serious offense. Chail was discovered by a royal protection officer in a restricted area of the castle grounds and immediately surrendered, revealing his purpose to kill the Queen. Before entering the grounds, he had posted a video on Snapchat stating that his actions were a form of revenge for the victims of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919 and for those who have faced discrimination based on their race. The judge noted that Chail displayed a broader ideology centered around dismantling old empires and establishing new ones, even within fictional contexts like Star Wars.