September, Friday 20, 2024

Israel takes decisive action against soldier misconduct following BBC investigation


The Israeli military has informed the BBC that it will take action against any soldiers found to have filmed and posted online footage of Palestinian detainees who were stripped, bound, and blindfolded. The BBC Verify investigation, which was published last week, examined hundreds of videos in Gaza since November 2023, including eight videos showing detainees. Legal experts suggest that filming and disseminating such videos could violate international law, which forbids subjecting detainees to unnecessary humiliation or public curiosity. Initially, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated that it had dismissed one of the reservists identified in the BBC report. However, they have now clarified that they will continue to investigate any unusual cases that deviate from expected conduct among their soldiers. The IDF has also stated that "significant command measures will be taken" against soldiers involved in the footage identified by the BBC. All the videos of detainees identified by BBC Verify were uploaded by current or former soldiers who did not conceal their identity. According to international human rights lawyer Sir Geoffrey Nice, the filming and posting of such videos could potentially amount to a war crime. Sir Geoffrey, who worked with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, expressed the need for a broader investigation beyond the dismissal of one reservist. One particular video, uploaded by an IDF soldier on December 24, 2023, depicts a Palestinian detainee who is stripped, bleeding, and bound while being interrogated and then paraded barefoot through the streets of Gaza. The IDF has explained that the picture was taken during a field questioning and maintains that the suspect was not injured. They attribute the photograph's publication to a reservist who violated IDF orders and values, resulting in the termination of their reserve service. Another video, uploaded by the same soldier on the same day, shows numerous Palestinian detainees gathered in a sports field. Most of them are stripped to their underwear, some are blindfolded and kneeling while Israeli soldiers observe. In one instance, a group, including three women, are shown blindfolded and kneeling behind a football goal with an Israeli flag hanging above it. Additionally, two videos uploaded by another IDF soldier depict blindfolded detainees interspersed with images of soldiers posing with guns. All eight videos have since been removed from social media platforms. Sir Geoffrey emphasizes the need for a wider investigation into the footage beyond the dismissal of one reservist, as the behavior of soldiers reflects the chain of command above them. When asked about this allegation, IDF spokesperson Peter Lerner acknowledged that mistakes could occur but stated that their operations adhere to laws and instructions. Any breaches are addressed through disciplinary or other means.