September, Friday 20, 2024

Mixed Emotions as Gazans Seek Safety in Egypt following Israel-Gaza Conflict


A family from Gaza, consisting of Tala Abu Nahla, her mother, and her disabled brother, Yazeed, had to leave their home and cross the border into Egypt to escape the ongoing violence and bombings. Tala tried to comfort her brother during their journey by speaking softly and holding his hands. Although they were relieved to be safe in Egypt, leaving Gaza meant leaving a part of themselves behind. Tala expressed her gratitude for the absence of drones and bombings in Egypt. The family had previously attempted to enter Egypt but were denied entry. However, they were finally allowed to enter last week. Tala, an educated young woman with a business studies degree, had won scholarships to study in America and lived there for a year before returning to Gaza. Throughout the war, she documented her experiences on her Instagram account. The family faced additional challenges due to Yazeed's disability, as his medicine supply was running low. The war worsened the situation for disabled people in Gaza, with approximately 21% of households having at least one member with a disability. Tala feels guilty for being safe and having access to food and medicine while the people in Gaza suffer. She plans to return to Gaza one day and rebuild, despite the uncertainty of the situation. The family is currently focused on finding a doctor for Yazeed and ensuring education for Tala's younger sister.