September, Friday 20, 2024

Iraqi Militant Organization Ceases Assaults on US Following Drone Attack


An Iraq-based militant group, Kataib Hezbollah, has announced the suspension of its operations against the US following a drone strike in Jordan that killed three American soldiers. The group claims it is doing so to avoid embarrassing the Iraqi government. President Joe Biden has confirmed that he has decided on a response to the attack, although he has not revealed the specifics. The US has hinted at a potential armed response, possibly in multiple stages. The drone strike targeted US troops stationed along the Jordan-Syrian border, with reports suggesting that the drone was manufactured in Iran. While the US has not definitively attributed the attack to Kataib Hezbollah, the Pentagon spokesperson stated that the attack bore the group's signatures. The US is strengthening security measures at the targeted base, including deploying additional air defenses to intercept drones. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner holds Iran accountable for the attack and urges a robust response. President Biden is considering various retaliatory options, such as targeting Iran-affiliated militias, commanders, or even carrying out attacks inside Iran. Recent months have seen multiple attacks on US bases in the Middle East by Iran-backed militias. This is the first instance of US troops being killed in the region since the Gaza conflict began. The US has faced numerous attacks on its facilities in Iraq and Syria since October 17. In response to previous attacks, the US has conducted airstrikes against Iran-linked groups. The US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, described those strikes as retaliation for a series of escalating attacks against US and international forces.