September, Thursday 19, 2024

US-Italy Crime Ties Remain Robust as International Mafia Crackdown Reveals


The latest attack on the notorious Gambino crime family in New York may not have a major effect on their criminal operations, according to experts. The recent indictment targeted 16 alleged mafia members, but the real twist revealed by the charging documents was the close relationship between the New York gangsters and their counterparts in Sicily. This ongoing connection highlights the "solidity of the existing relationship" between American and Sicilian gangsters. It was also noted that American crime families have been relying on recruits from Italy due to their perceived loyalty to the code of silence known as Omerta. The Gambino and Genovese groups have had the most success recruiting in Italy in recent years. The latest arrests, while not likely to seriously impact the mafia, indicate that the FBI's attention has shifted back to organized crime after focusing on counter-terrorism in the wake of 9/11. While Italian organized crime families may have lost some power, other international crime groups have stepped in to fill the void. All ten US defendants have pleaded not guilty, but some may turn on their allies.