September, Thursday 19, 2024

President's Son, Hunter Biden, Faces Another Criminal Case, This Time Involving Tax Allegations


Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, is facing tax charges as federal prosecutors file a new criminal case against him. The indictment accuses Hunter Biden of evading at least $1.4 million in federal taxes from 2016 to 2019 through a four-year scheme. The charges include failure to file and pay taxes, false tax return, and evasion of assessment. In addition to the tax charges, Hunter Biden was previously indicted for federal firearm charges in September, for which he has pleaded not guilty. The White House has not provided any comments on the new charges. The Department of Justice Special Counsel David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden's alleged criminal conduct since 2019. Prosecutors claim that instead of paying taxes, Hunter Biden spent his money on drugs, escorts, luxury hotels, rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other personal items. The indictment reveals that he received over $7 million in gross income between 2016 and mid-October 2020 but failed to pay his taxes on time, despite having access to funds to do so. The charge sheet also highlights Hunter Biden's expenditures, including over $188,000 on adult entertainment and over $683,000 in payments to various women. Prosecutors allege that his spending continued to increase as his income grew. The indictment also mentions Hunter Biden's role on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings Limited, a Ukrainian conglomerate, where he earned an annual salary of approximately $1 million. This is an ongoing story, and updates with more details will be provided shortly.