September, Friday 20, 2024

Hungary's Orban to confront EU opposition with upcoming farmers' protests


The leaders of the European Union (EU) have agreed to provide a €50bn aid package to Ukraine, ending a stalemate caused by Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, who had previously blocked the agreement. The announcement was met with celebration by European leaders and relief by Ukraine. However, Orban also claimed victory upon his return to Budapest, stating on Facebook, "We fought it out! They can't give Hungarian money to the Ukrainians!" This declaration is dubious, as the EU budget from which the aid package will be paid includes Hungarian contributions. Despite his initial opposition, Orban ultimately chose to support the EU over Russia, as he was confronted with the decision by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Orban quickly shifted his focus to another battle he could be associated with: the wave of protests by European farmers over reduced subsidies and budgetary support. He met with protesting farmers before the summit and criticized the EU for ignoring the concerns of ordinary people. Orban also accused the "Brussels bureaucrats" of allowing cheap, allegedly poor quality Ukrainian grain to flood EU markets instead of prioritizing European farmers' interests. He hopes that like-minded parties in Europe will achieve significant gains in the upcoming elections, which would potentially change the situation for funds allocated to Ukraine, despite the recent decision.