September, Thursday 19, 2024

Kenyan judges took a stand against President William Ruto


Kenya's judges have ruled against the government in two separate cases, in a sign that they remain independent despite President William Ruto's attempts to intimidate them. The first court ordered the government to stop collecting payments for a new housing levy, while the second court said that the president could not send 1,000 police officers to Haiti as promised. President Ruto has launched attacks on the judiciary, accusing unnamed judges of corruption and criticizing those who took legal action against government projects. Analysts believe that the president's attacks have not influenced the judges' decisions, and the courts continue to operate independently. However, the rift between the judiciary and the political class is expected to widen, as each side stands firm in their positions. Concerns have been raised that the government's defiance of court rulings could lead to others disobeying court orders, resulting in anarchy. Despite the rulings, President Ruto has vowed to continue with government projects, potentially setting the stage for further confrontation with the judiciary.